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Safety at Home

    Safety at Home

    Being a real estate agency which cares about its customers and the general public, DECORDIER immobilier gives you some tips so as to increase the level of safety at home.

    1. Storage
    It is crucial to properly store things, especially when there are children and elderly persons living in a house. Sharp objects, electrical appliance cords, medicines and cleaning detergents must be kept out of children’s reach. In case you transfer household cleaners to other containers, make sure to label your bottles properly.

    Kitchen utensils having long handles should be kept in a way that no one can bump into them. It is easy to trip or slip over a toy. Walking barefoot on a building block causes a pain one cannot fathom.

    2. Fire prevention
    Dangling electrical cables or sockets, or ones that sparks come out of when plugging appliances in, can cause short-circuits. Smoking inside the house is to be avoided or even completely refrained from. A forgotten lighted cigarette near papers can easily cause a fire. Keep inflammable products far from fireplaces, ovens and heaters.

    Make sure that gas bottles are tightly closed and that stove gas hobs have been turned off in order to prevent gas leakage. Regularly check the gas hose. Do not go by its clean look; it has an expiry date that needs to be respected.

    3. Airflow
    Keeping the shower gas bottle outside is a good idea. This prevents accidental inhalations. Do not smoke in a closed space of the house. This ensures the purity and quality of the air. Keep an eye of the humidity level in your residence. The mold that it creates may cause allergies; repeated sneezing, tingling eyes. It is also dangerous for those who suffer from asthma.

    An extractor hood or a range hood in a kitchen is very important. The health of your loved ones are at stake, since some steams are toxic. Always allow fresh air to come in by letting your windows open for some time, especially when using paint, varnish, cleaning agents such as bleach.

    4. Theft prevention
    With the increasing rate of thefts taking place in houses throughout the world, it has become crucial to have bars on one’s windows. Having security cameras is also highly advised. In addition to this, establish neighbourhood watch. Do not hesitate to inform law enforcers or any shady person or activity in the region. Seeking police patrol is one of your rights. Lastly, a basic practice that everyone knows about but the reminder of which is beneficial: lock your doors and windows properly.

    5. Electrical installations
    We have mentioned, some lines earlier, that damaged sockets can cause fires to break. Some 80,000 cases of fire in houses have been reported per year in France alone. Consequently, there is the need to take precautions regarding electrical installations at home.

    Do not overcharge multiple sockets. Replace the cables the protective layers of which have worn out so as to decrease the risk of electrocution. In addition to this, an electrical appliance on which dust has settled or a room with limited ventilation could cause overheating.

    Even if every step is taken in order to ensure safety at home, no one is entirely safe. It is therefore advised to keep the emergency services numbers handy.